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What to Do if You Jam Your Safe

Locksmith Maryland HeightsDo you own a home, gun, or commercial safe? Homeowners and business owners alike use safes of all kinds to protect their assets. Safes can be a wonderful addition to any property and give owners a secure place to store cash, weapons, and other possessions. Safes are not perfect, however, and are prone to certain issues like jamming. Jammed safes can occur for many reasons, but luckily, there are a few things you can do if your home, gun, or business safe ever jams. Read the following article to learn what you should and should not do when it comes to properly handling a jammed safe.

Do Not Force Open Your Safe

It should be mentioned right away that it is never a good idea to force yourself into your safe. No matter how urgent the situation may be or how frustrated you may find yourself over the circumstances, it is never a good idea to try and force open a jammed safe. Typically, a jammed safe is jammed for good reason, either because something is blocking the lock and preventing it from turning, or some sort of safety mechanism has been triggered. If you attempt to open up your safe through force, you may only end up hurting yourself or someone else. Safes are not meant to be broken into under any circumstances, so it is always best to find another way of gaining entry into a jammed safe instead of trying to force it open.

Even if you were to successfully break-in to your own safe, it is likely you may cause permanent damage to the safe’s locking mechanism or other structures comprising the safe itself. In the long run, this will require you to either purchase a new safe or pay to have yours repaired. In the instance of a jammed safe, patience is important and thinking with a clear head to find the best solution is a better option than trying to forcefully and frantically gain access to your jammed safe.

Consult the Safe Manual

It is possible that your safe is jammed due to a normal and expected safety measurement that may have been triggered. Some safes have locking mechanisms that will set temporarily or for a specified amount of time if, for example, the wrong passcode has been entered in the wrong one too many times or the safe can sense that someone is trying to tamper with it.

Check the user manual for the safe to see if it is possible that some sort of locking mechanism has been set off for safety reasons. The manual should either enlighten you to the problem or instruct you on how to fix the jam if it was caused by some sort of safety trigger. There may be some quick steps you can take that are laid out in the safe’s owner's manual that will alert the safe that there is no safety breach and that you are lawfully trying to access it.

With the possibility that your safe may jam, it is always a good idea to hang on to user manuals and any other information packets you may receive when you first purchase your safe. You never know when you may need to consult the manual for minor adjustments or as a resource to help you solve larger issues with your safe. Luckily, if you cannot find the information you need in your safe’s user manual, a professional locksmith can help.

Call an Expert

If you are unable to get your jam alleviated on your own, it is time to call an expert to help you. In the case of a jammed safe, you will want to get in touch with a locksmith. Locksmiths work with locks of all kinds, including the ones on your safe. A locksmith can take a look at your safe, determine what is causing the jam, and help you get back into your safe with as little drama as possible. Locksmiths have the proper tools and skills necessary to get your safe open without causing excessive damage to it. This is why it is best to try not to force your way into a jammed safe.

A locksmith can get their way inside more effectively and with minimal damage. Compared to trying to unjam your safe all by yourself, a locksmith will always be the better option. Working with a locksmith will also give you the opportunity to find out why the jam occurred in the first place, how to prevent it from happening again, as well as ask any other questions you may have that pertain specifically to your safe and its functions.

Always Work with a Professional Locksmith

It is important to make sure you work with a professional locksmith to take care of your safe jam. Professional locksmiths are certified lock and key experts that have undergone on-the-job and professional training, as well as have passed a state exam. You do not want to try to save money by going with an amateur or inexperienced locksmith. For any kind of locksmithing procedures you need taken care of and especially for any safe jams, always consult a trusted and certified locksmith in your area.
